Rektor Opened Fordipas PTKIN Forum
Auditorium SPs, UIN NEWS Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Dede Rosyada officially opened the Forum of Postgraduate Director (Fordipas) State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) in Indonesia at UIN Jakarta Graduate School Auditorium, Tuesday (07/17/2018). The opening ceremony was attended by Fordipas Chairman Ahmad Rofiq and Director of SPs UIN Jakarta Masykuri Abdillah as the host.
"I really appreciate the postgraduate directors who have attended this forum. This forum is expected to contribute to postgraduate progress in PTKIN environment and producing qualified graduates and doctoral degrees, "said Rector.
The Rector explained that the postgraduate program plays an important role in the development of research and scientific publications. Strengthening of research and publication, both nationally and internationally, by itself will provide a positive image for the progress of PTKIN.
"We must develop the research tradition and scientific publications in a concrete and directed to the international publication indexed Scopus," he said.
In the case of SPs UIN Jakarta, the strengthening of international research and publications continues to be encouraged. This is done so that every scientific work of the research can be read widely in the international world.
"The tradition we continue to strive so that it could be recognized by the world," he said briefly.
Forum Fordipas held for the second time was attended by 50 participants representative of 56 graduate programs PTKIN all over Indonesia. Last year PTKIN Fordipas Forum was held in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.
The forum's agenda that was held on 17-18 July 2018 included formulating post-graduate governance both on the institutional structure and the use of nomenclature. It also discussed issues related to knowledge and status clusters home base lecturer.
"The formulation of the results of the forum will then be proposed to the Minister of Religious Affairs for follow-up," said Chairman Fordipas, Ahmad Rofiq. (usa)