Registration for UM-PTKIN enrollment type will be open on April, 2021

Registration for UM-PTKIN enrollment type will be open on April, 2021

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Registration for the UM-PTKIN enrollment type will be open on April 1st, 2021. UIN Jakarta offers 30 religious study programs with a quota of 1,338 people for this enrollment type.

According to UIN Jakarta’s PR release, Tuesday (02/02/2021), the UM-PTKIN registration was opened simultaneously nationally in 58 PTKINs in Indonesia, namely 17 UIN, 36 IAIN, and 5 STAIN plus the Faculty Islamic Religion of Singaperbangsa University, Karawang.

The UM-PTKIN registration period will be open for one month until April 30, 2021, while the entrance test will be held on May 24-June 2 2021 using a computer-based electronic selection system (SSE). The results will be announced online on June 17, 2021 through The selection process will be carried out with three examination sessions per day. The material includes Basic Ability Tests, Language, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.

“The selection process will be carried out online using the application, considering that currently we are still in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Sub-division head of publication and documentary of UIN Jakarta Samsudin.

For information, UM-PTKIN is a national selection system in the form of written examinations held by the forum for Rectors / Chairmen of PTKIN throughout Indonesia. Registrants will be charged a registration fee of IDR 200,000. (usa/ns)