Rector Will Become Inspector of Independence Day Ceremony on August 17
Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online - Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada is scheduled to be inspector at the commemoration of the 73rd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence day ceremony which will be held on Friday (08/17/2018). Besides leading the ceremony, Rector will also award the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of Satyalencana Karya Satya to civil servants (PNS) who have served for 10 years, 15 years and 20 years.
That was the broadcast of the Jakarta UIN PR that was received by UIN NEWS Online, Thursday (08/16/2018). The ceremony will be held at the Student Center building yard starting at 6:30 a.m. The participants of the ceremony were followed by UIN Jakarta officials, lecturers, staff, students, and invitations from various other institutions.
The ceremony officers were reading the text of Pancasila by Ade Sofyan Mulazid (Deputy Dean of General Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business), reading the text of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution by Suparto (Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences), reading the Proclamation by Muhammad Zuhdi (Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training), and prayer reading by Nurul Irfan (Faculty of Sharia and Law lecturer). While acting as the ceremonial commander came from the Wiradharma Student Regiment (Menwa).
After the ceremony, the commemoration of Indonesia's Independence Day will be filled with hospitality between the Rector and UIN Jakarta’s academic community. There are also traditional culinary presentations from various work units at UIN Jakarta.
Meanwhile, according to the Rector’s Instruction of UIN Jakarta Number B-2046 / R / HK.007 / 08/2018, all state civil servants (ASN) within the UIN Jakarta environment are encouraged to attend the flag raising ceremony. Clothes worn for men white long sleeves, black pants, and black cap. As for women wearing white long-sleeved clothes, black skirts and black veil. (usa-rs)