Rector: UIN Jakarta is an Inclusive-Humanist Campus
Main Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online— UIN Jakarta will continue to strengthen itself as a humanist-inclusive campus in encouraging the growth of academic climate as well as a culture of appreciation for diversity. In addition to infrastructure, the inclusive humanist characteristic is sown through the academic tradition that takes place within it.
This was conveyed by the Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA when inaugurating 749 graduates of graduates of bachelor, master and doctoral programs on the second day of the 105th edition of the graduation ceremony on Wednesday (30/7/2017). In addition to graduates and families, the graduation ceremony was also attended by the Rector and senate of UIN Jakarta.
Rector said, as a national Islamic higher education institution, UIN Jakarta has the duty and responsibility of sowing humanist and inclusive attitude. "Yang (the three, red.) Are needed in the context of Islamic life, Indonesianness, and more cultured modern humanity," he said.
Humanistic attitude itself, he said, sowed by encouraging the growth of humanism in the study room, access to education, and the environment. In the learning room, the learning process is directed by facilitating the creativity and innovation of learning, both by lecturers and-most importantly-the students.
"The purpose is to make UIN Jakarta graduates to be creative, innovative, confident, and humanitarian in view of diversity so that they can be accepted in the diversity reality when entering their professional world," he said.
Humanism in access to education, UIN Jakarta continues to try to be a friendly campus to students with disabilities. In addition to continuing to redistribute the curriculum and lectures that enable disabled students to study comfortably, UIN Jakarta also makes this campus a humanist by providing a friendly building infrastructure for them.
"That way, their rights to study and activity as long as in the campus area as much as possible can be met well," he said.
Not only hospitable for disabled groups, UIN Jakarta also continues to be a friendly campus for lactating mothers by making lactation spaces. Meanwhile, the provision of lactation room has been started in the rectorate building through Gender and Child Study Center / PSGA) and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta.
"This is the smallest part of UIN Jakarta's effort to become a humanist campus. God willing in the future, the provision of lactation spaces will be the university's attention, "he added.
Inclusive State Islamic Religious University
While the inclusive attitude, he added, is confirmed by the attitude of university openness to anyone who has a desire to study on this campus, including prospective students with different religious backgrounds. UIN Jakarta through the Graduate School and Postgraduate Faculty, for example, has received a number of non-muslim students.
Among them, Father Catholic Father Dr. Gregorius Soetomo SJ and Reverend International Full Gospel Fellowship as well as Protestant Theologians of the International Theological School Harvest Hannas. Both have successfully finished their doctoral education this year.
Soetomo graduated after defending his dissertation titled Language, Power, and History. Islamic Historiography Marshall G.S. Hudgson in the Perspective of Poststructuralism Studies Michel Foucault. Hannas graduated after defending his dissertation entitled Islam Rahmatan Li Al-Alamin: The Study of Thought and Profit Dakwah Muhammad Shamsi Ali in New York.
In addition to the two, in the Ushuluddin Faculty Masters program, dozens of Confusianism religious leaders are also studying at this campus. In fact, Chairman of the Confucian High Council of Religion of Indonesia (MATAKIN) Uung Sendana is finalizing his master's thesis on the faculty.
"The openness of UIN Jakarta accepts them as students stating that this campus is an inclusive campus," said the rector.
Beyond religious belief, the inclusiveness of UIN Jakarta is characterized by an openness to accept students with diverse backgrounds not only from 34 provinces throughout the country but also from countries from different geo-cultural regions. In addition to Southeast Asia, hundreds of students come from countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and America.
"All of them - with their diverse backgrounds - come to learn and be accepted with open arms by UIN Jakarta," he explained.
In internal environment of UIN Jakarta itself, he added, inclusive attitude is already an important part of the development history of this institution. Through its curriculum and academics, UIN Jakarta affirms itself as a prominent Islamic religious college in the forefront of encouraging the growth of tolerance and respect for diversity.
"Of course, the thing that must be underlined, the inclusive attitude emphasized by UIN Jakarta is the attitude of tolerance and respect for diversity which is balanced with the loyalty impulse to their respective religious commitment," he said.
Diversity itself, he added, is a capital for each party to compete to contribute the best for humanity and the environment. (usa)