Rector Supports Website Content Updates
RSU, UIN NEWS Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA affirmed his support and urged all leaders to support and facilitate the updating of UIN Jakarta website and website content both university and faculty.
This was conveyed by the Rector while presiding over the leadership meeting, with a discussion about report of the comparative study of the team of Pubdok to UII and UGM, Friday (27/10), held at the Main Session Room of Rectorate Building 2 floor of UIN Jakarta.
Added rector, in addition to improving the ranking of web-o-metrics, the update is also in order to facilitate the stakeholders to find and obtain information about UIN Jakarta.
"If the design and contents of UIN Jakarta website better, then it can facilitate the user to have information about UIN Jakarta," said Dede.
Still according to the rector, that one important thing from the website owned by UIN Jakarta is the availability of information that is actual, sharp, and reliable. This, reinforces the ideals of UIN Jakarta into World Class University (WCU).
"UIN Jakarta is currently preparing to face the Accreditation of Higher Education Institution (AIPT), and UIN campus change becomes PTN BH," he explained.
At the end of his presentation, Rector hopes that UIN Jakarta website can be seen by the world community. Therefore, it is expected that the website manager immediately complete and update static and dynamic data on the website of the university and faculty.
"Please immediately complete and update the content on the website. Not only in Indonesian language, but also the English content. Because, our website is currently bilingual," said the Professor of Research Methodology in UIN Jakarta.
In the same place, Sub-division Head of Publication and Documentation UIN Jakarta Feni Arifiani MH in his reporting that in the occasion was accompanied by Editor-in-Chief (Pimred) UIN Online News Zaenal Muttaqin ME MA said that currently UIN Jakarta website is doing both page and content. It is done to meet the needs of stakeholders in obtaining complete information about UIN Jakarta.
"Our team of website managers, both universities and faculty are currently trying to optimize the role of the website to meet the needs of users and campus UIN Jakarta. Of course, the participation and support of UIN Jakarta leaders is very much expected, "said Feni.
For information, also attended the meeting that began at 07.00-09.30 WIB, the Vice Rectors, Bureau Chiefs, the Deans, Sub-division Heads, and all UIN Jakarta academic community who are invited to attend the weekly meeting. (usa-rs)