Rector Sent Off Nationalism KKN 2017 Participant

Rector Sent Off Nationalism KKN 2017 Participant

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA is about to sent off 14 Nationalism KKN participants in his office, Tuesday, (7/19).

Out of 14 students, 5 students will be placed at the State University of Gorontalo (UGN), Gorontalo province as their host, while the other 9 will carry out their Nationalism KKN at the University of Bangka Belitung (UBB), Bangka Belitung province.

Nationalism KKN itself will last for 40 days, starting from July 19 to August 23 in Gorontalo and 26 July to 30 August 2017 in Bangka Belitung.

In addition, Rector also advised the participants to maintain the good name of UIN Jakarta alma mater, “UIN Jakarta has become a leading university in Indonesia and already gained its international recognition. Therefore, give your best to the people, watch your attitudes and behaviors, and keep the good name of our beloved alma mater,” said Rector.

Also present in the meeting, Head of the Institute for Research and Community Outreach (LP2M) UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP MA, Head of Center for Community Service (PPM) UIN Jakarta Djaka Badranaya, S.Ag., ME.

“Keep the image of UIN Jakarta with smart thinking so you will be respected and appreciated by others,” said Dede.

It is known that the event themed on “Mewujudkan Kemajuan dan Kesejahteraan Warga Desa Dengan Semangat 3M (Melayani, Memberdayakan, dan Menginspirasi)”, is aimed to foster the community to become more productive, competitive, and to empower the surrounding environments. (usa)