Rector Sends Off KKN Kebangsaan Participants

Rector Sends Off KKN Kebangsaan Participants

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA sent off KKN Kebangsaan Participants in his office, rectorate building, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Friday, (07/20/2018). Present in the event, Vice Rector for Cooperation Prof Dr Murodi MA and Center for Community Service (PPM) Chairman of UIN Jakarta Djaka Badranaya.

Rector in his speech responded positively to the non-regular KKN activities that conducted jointly with other participants from various universities in Indonesia. This activity is expected to provide new experiences and knowledge for students.

Rector also advised, KKN participants should maintain the image of UIN Jakarta as an Islamic campus. Rector even asked the students to provide explanation about Islam as a moderate, inclusive and tolerant religion to the public.

"If anyone asks, I hope you can explain it (moderate Islam)," said Dede.

PPM Chairman Djaka Badranaya in his report explains that KKN Kebangsaan activities for this year will be centered at Tulang Bawang Barat Disctrict, Lampung province. Previously, similar KKN activities was implemented in several other areas, such as Gorontalo, West Kalimantan, and Riau Islands.

"This activity is a program of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) and implemented nationally," he said.

The participants of KKN Kebangsaan UIN Jakarta consist of 15 participants. They will be dispatched in Tulang Bawang Barat District, Lampung, along with about 300 other participants from various universities in Indonesia. There are at least eight districts with 96 villages in Tulang Bawang.

"The main purpose of KKN Nationality is to introduce cultural diversity and to strengthen the sense of nationality among students," said Djaka.

KKN Kebangsaan UIN Jakarta participants will be dispatched on July 22, 2018 until August 26, 2018.

"In addition to KKN Kebangsaan, PPM also organizes other forms of KKN, such as regular KKN and KKN In Campus," he added. (usa)