Rector Release 2,700 KKN Participants
Auditorium, NEWS UIN Online - Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada released at least 2,700 regular work program participants (KKN) in the Auditorium Prof Dr Harun Nasution on Tuesday (7/25/2017). The release ceremony is marked by the release of balloons into the air in front of the Auditorium followed by the participants.
The release was preceded by briefing by the Rector and then regional heads from three districts, such as Bogor Regency, Tangerang Regency, and South Tangerang City. Also present was Head of Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP, Chairman of Community Service Center (PPM) Djaka Badranaya ME, and a number of supervisors.
Head of LP2M Arskal Salim in his report revealed, this year's KKN is concentrated in three areas. One area in West Java Province, Bogor Regency with 1,184 participants and two areas in Banten Province, namely Tangerang Regency and South Tangerang City with the number of each 1,395 participants and 159 participants. KKN in two districts and one city will last for one month from 25 July to 25 August. The regular KKN was followed by students across the course of nine faculties. Two faculties, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK), did not participate in KKN but were transferred in the form of field work practices. FITK students practice teaching in schools, while FKIK students practice in hospitals or puskesmas.
In addition to regular KKN, said Arskal, PPM also held KKN in the form of non-regular. There are 81 participants spread across several regions. There are 9 participants, KKN Kebangsaan in Gorontalo (5 participants), KKN In Campus (18 participants), KKN Internasional Mandiri in Malaysia (11 participants), KKN Ekspedisi Nusantara (KKN Ekspedisi Nusantara (KKN Ekspedisi Nusantara) 15 participants), and KKN Planned (23 participants).
"KKN is a non-regular form although it is held in different times, but its value remains the same," he said. Arskal assessed the regular KKN participants are now too large to be held in one year. Therefore, in the future he will discourse dividing it into two terms, making it easy to manage. "Later we will held it in two terms, the even and odd semesters," he said. (usa-rs)