Rector of UIN Jakarta Inaugurated 1.458 Graduates

Rector of UIN Jakarta Inaugurated 1.458 Graduates

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta holds the 109th graduation ceremony for 1458 undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs, Saturday-Sunday (August 18-19th, 2018). The event took place at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Campus I UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, South Tangerang.

On Saturday, the event starts at 07.00 AM and followed by all graduates from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH), Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH), Faculty Da’wa and Communication Sciences (FIDK), Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP).

For the second session, which is held on Sunday, (8/19/2018), followed by all graduates from the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training (FITK), Faculty Ushuluddin (FU), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), Faculty of Medicine (FK) Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI), and graduate school (SPs) of UIN Jakarta.

21 people are chosen as the best graduates based on their GPA (Grade Point Average). 12 graduates from S1 Programs, 8 graduates from the Faculty Master’s (S2) programs, and one graduate from Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta Doctoral Program.

They are Bintan Munjiyan Zahroh (FITK) with 3.92 of GPA, Annisa Elfiana (FAH) with 3.81 of GPA, Renaldo Caniago (FU) with 3.84 of GPA, Muhammad Irsyad (FSH) with 3.93 of GPA, Istiqomah (FIDK) with 3.84 of GPA, Dania Aryani (FDI) with 3.90 of GPA, Shafira Azzahra (FPSI) with 3.91 of GPA, Rusydina Alfiah (FEB) with 3.93 of GPA, Chatamia Ramadhani Fitri (FST) with 3.90 of GPA, Ratih Yulianingsih (FIK) with 3.78 of GPA, Vianca Samara Andhary (FK) with 3.00 of GPA, and Alif Daffa Satria Dores (FISIP) with 3.74 of GPA.

For the Faculty Master’s programs, Mohamad Yani Pehang (S2 FITK) with 4.00 of GPA, Ani Anggrayani (S2 FAH) with 3.41 of GPA, Uung Sendana Lodianto Linngaraja (S2 FU) with 3.76 of GPA, Burhanatut Dyana (S2 FSH) with 4.00 of GPA, Muhamad Ilham Nugraha (S2 FIDK) with 3.91 of GPA, Mustori (S2 FDI) with 4.00 of GPA, Hanna Maryama (S2 FPSI) with 3.74 of GPA, and Asiah Wati (S2 FEB) with 3.93 of GPA. And lastly, Saihu (S3 SPs UIN Jakarta) with 3.69 of GPA.

May the success of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta alumni continue to uphold the goodwill of the alma mater and triumph throughout the world. (usa)