Rector of UIN Jakarta holds the Lebaran open house

Rector of UIN Jakarta holds the Lebaran open house

UIN Jakarta Campus, UIN NEWS Online – Stepping at the first day of work, Monday (6/10/2019), Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis holds the 1440 H lebaran open house. The open house was held in Rectorate building  and scheduled for one day Full or during office hours.

On the event, Rector wasn’t only receiving internal guests, he also appeared to receive visitations from several inspectors from the central Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. They were in touch in a silaturahim moment and at the same time reviewing the activities of the first day of work after having Idul Fitri holiday and annual leave in 2019.

Accompaniying the Rector, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Zulkifli, Vice Rector for General Administration Ahmad Rodoni, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Masri Mansoer, and Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs Andi M. Faisal Bakti.

Separately, Sub-division Head of Documentary and Publication Samsudin informed that the big  family of UIN Jakarta will hold Halal bihalal 1440 H event. The event will take place at Harun Nasution Auditorium on June 11th, 2019 starting at 07.00 a.m. The event will be attended by all academic community of  UIN Jakarta.

“According to the plan, the Indonesian Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin will come and deliver a Halal bihalal speech,” said Samsudin. (usa)