Rector Inaugurates Klinik Pratama UIN Jakarta

Rector Inaugurates Klinik Pratama UIN Jakarta

Klinik Pratama, UIN NEWS   Online -   Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA inaugurated the Klinik Pratama  of UIN Jakarta. The inauguration was marked by the ribbon cutting ceremony, witnessed by the Vice Rectors, Bureau Chiefs, Deans, Section and Sub-section Heads, and all the academic community of UIN Jakarta.

The clinic's inauguration procession was held after the fun walk event which is participated by by all academic community of UIN Jakarta, Sunday (8/12/2018).

In his speech, the Chancellor explained that the ex-Kopertais Region I building will be used as a BPJS clinic. "This Primary Clinic will later be used as an inpatient and outpatient facility for all UIN Jakarta academic community," said Rector.

He also added that students who have BPJS, will get health services from the clinic. In addition, UIN Jakarta employees also, later the BPJS referrals will be re-registered to the Primary clinic.

"With this Primary clinic, it is expected that UIN Jakarta will be able accommodate the needs of all academic community, in terms of health services. Thus, when health gets more attention, it is believed that it will increase the productivity of the performance of the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta," he added.

He said that the capacity of the clinic was sufficient, and if needed there would be additional space and facilities needed.

"In the near future, after all preparations are mature and ready to operate, the clinic will able to accept patients," said Dede. (usa)