Rector examines Daar al-Hadits student dissertation

Rector examines Daar al-Hadits student dissertation

Morocco, UIN News Online –  The Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis examines the doctoral dissertation of Alvian Iqbal Zahasfan, doctoral student of Daar al-Hadits Al-Hassaniyah University, Morocco, Thursday (03/05/2020). This coincided with the Rector's academic collaboration visit to a number of universities in the country such as Al-Qarawiyyin University and Daar al-Hadits Al-Hassaniyah University itself.

Based on information obtained by UIN NEWS Online, Amany examine the dissertation with a number of professors at the University of Daar al-Hadith Al-Hassaniyah. Among them, Prof. Ahmad Al-Sanuny, Prof. Abd al-Mujib Muhib, and Prof. Ibrahim Masyruh. Alvian's own dissertation is entitled al-Mazhab al-Ash'ary wa Tathowwuruhu fi Indunisiya under the supervision of Prof. Ahmad Al-Sanuny.

In his dissertation, Alvian presented his research on the influence of the theological group that pioneered Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Ismāʿīl ibn Isḥāq al-Ashʿarī (Born in Basrah 260 H / 873 AD - died 324 H / 935 AD ) or more popularly as Abu al-Hasan bin Isma'il al-Asy'ari on the thoughts of the Muslim community in Indonesia. According to his findings, Abu al-Hasan style of thinking was quite influential on the theological understanding of the region's Muslim community.

The influence of his theological thinking such as Maqalat al-Islamiyyin, al-Ibanah ‘an Ushulid Diniyah, and al-Luma was transmitted through various studies of his work in various traditional Islamic educational institutions. It is known that his works are quite popular among the santri and Islamic clerics until now.

According to Amany, this research offers important data on how the influence of al-Asy'ari theological thinking transmitted continuously through various Islamic educational institutions that provides the foundation for Islamic moderation and understanding.

 “These findings reinforce the understanding that the Kalam al-As'ari School in Indonesia is a thought that supports Islamic moderation. Therefore, the definition of asyariah in Indonesia is a school which develops the wasathiyatul Islam,” she said.

She also added that this dissertation is important for Indonesia and Morocco because it raises new information by relying on various reference data from various parts of the world.

“Besides having high academic and intellectual value, the dissertation is also beneficial for strengthening the wasathiyah Islamic attitude in Indonesia and Morocco,” she added.

Furthermore, the Rector also expressed her appreciation to Alvian. This is because Alvian is an alumnus of UIN Jakarta who continued his master and doctoral education in Morocco.

“Alhamdulillah, another UIN Jakarta graduate succeeded in bringing the good name of the UIN Jakarta alma mater as well as the name of Indonesia in the eyes of international scholars,” she said. (usa/zm)