Rector conveys the performance achievements throughout 2021
Diorama Room, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta conveys the performance achievements of UIN Jakarta throughout 2021 to Unicversity senate on Wednesday (01/26/2022). In her presentation, Rector revealed that various work programs had been successfully realized and exceeds the expected key performance indicators.
Submission of the report was carried out by the Rector accompanied by the Vice Rectors by presenting various program achievements throughout 2021. The session itself was led by the Chairman of University Senate Nata and other senate members.
In general, said Rector, the achievements of various work programs throughout 2021 are divided into financial and service aspects, and divided into 11 IKUs.
In the financial aspect, there are four KPIs set. The four are the percentage of PNBP revenue on operational costs, the realization of BLU PNBP, the realization of the BLU as a result of cooperation, and the modernization of BLU financial management.
The percentage of PNB on operational costs, for example, recorded a realization of 70.51% of the 59% target. “The realization of BLU PNBP, BLU PNBP realization as a result of cooperation, and modernization of BLU financial management. All of them recorded a realization above the set target,” said Rector.
In the service aspect, various KPIs also recorded realizations and achievements above the set targets. Among them are the percentage of graduates who are directly absorbed by the job market, graduates with national level achievements, lecturers involvement in tri dharma activity at other campuses, lecturers with doctoral qualifications, research outputs, collaborative study programs, and the average results of study program accreditation status.
Furthermore, Rector also conveyed varios awards won by UIN Jakarta throughout 2021, one of them was the 2nd ADIKTIS award 2021.
“In the event, UIN Jakarta has been awarded with 5 ADIKTIS awards, namely PTKI with the highest percentage of an “A” accreditation status for study programs, PTKI with the most professors, PTKI with the most reputable journals, PTKIN with the most international level achieving students, and PTKI with the most patents,” said Rector.
Other achievements are the “A” accreditation status for the central library, the highest e-SMS in PTKIN, the Best PTKIN BLU, and the top 50 national Webometrics rankings.
“The AD Scientific Index also put UIN Jakarta as the second best university in Indonesia in the category of Top 5,000 Scientists,” said Rector Amany
Rector Amany also added that various realizations and achievements throughout 2021 cannot be separated from the hard work of UIN Jakarta academic community. “I hope that the entire academic community will continue to synergize in realizing UIN Jakarta's academic development programs in 2022,” she said. (zm/usa)