Rector Appoints New Senate Members

Rector Appoints New Senate Members

Rectorate Building,   UIN NEWS Online   - Rector of UIN Jakarta Dede Rosyada appointed new members of the University Senate for the period 2018-2022. The appointment of Senate members is done considering that the old membership period has expired in August 2018.

In a press release sent by Public Relations UIN Jakarta to   UIN NEWS Online, Monday (08/20/2018), the number of Senate members appointed were 89 people. They consist of active professors and representatives of lecturers from 12 faculties. Among them there are also a number of members who have structural positions on campus.

The appointment of members of the Senate was determined through the Rector's Decree of UIN Jakarta Number 486 Year 2018 dated August 16, 2018. The decision is valid for one membership period or for the next four years.

As known, since mid-August 2018, the term of the University Senate membership has expired. The Senate was led by Atho Mudzhar as chairman and Suwito as secretary. Until this news is written, there has been no decision on who will be the future chairman and secretary of the University Senate's management in the coming period.

The University Senate, according to Article 36 of the Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) No. 17 of 2014 concerning the Statute of UIN Jakarta, is a policy making element that carries out the function of determining and considering the implementation of academic policies. While in Article 2 of the Rector's Decree UIN Jakarta Number 743 of 2016 stated that the University Senate is a university organ which is the normative body and the highest representative of the university that functions in the formulation, determination, consideration and supervision of the Chancellor's policy in the implementation of university autonomy and tridharma.

At 37 PMA RI Number 17 of 2014 concerning the Jakarta Statute, the duties and authority of the University Senate included establishing academic norms and provisions and supervising their application; provide consideration / input to the Chancellor in preparing and / or changing the Stretagic Plan or Budget Work Plan in the academic field; give consideration to the Chancellor related to opening, merging, or closing faculties, departments, and study programs; supervise the policies and implementation of the Higher Education Tridharma that have been stipulated in the Strategic Plan;supervise policies and implementation of education quality assurance; and submit the proposed Chancellor to the Minister

The University Senate structure, in addition to being chair and secretary, is also equipped   with commissions. There are at least four commissions or fields currently owned in the Senate Structure of UIN Jakarta University, namely the Education, Teaching, Human Resources Commission, and Study Program Development abbreviated as Dikjar; Research Commission, Scientific Publication, Community Service and Inter-Institutional Cooperation abbreviated Research and Service; Ethics Commission; and Strategic and Budget Work Plan for Academic Affairs. (usa)