Rector Amany Lubis Officiated the Opening of PBAK 2022
Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis officiated the opening of new student orientation period (PBAK) 2022 for 2022/2023 academic year at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta on Monday (08/23/2022).
By raising the theme “Menumbuhkan Sikap Kreatif, Inovatif, dan Spirit Kewirausahaan untuk Menciptakan Generasi Unggul”, this event also attended by Vice Rectors, Deans, Deputy Deans for Student Affairs, AAKK Bureau Chief Jaenudin, PK Bureau Chief Rojikin and AUK Bureau Chief Juanda Naim.
Amany Lubis stated that new students should be grateful, because only 6,906 new students were accepted out of 129,000 applicants. They are students who passed the selection through various admission types, namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SPAN-PTKIN, UM-PTKIN, Independent Enrollment, SMM-PTN Barat, and scholarship collaborations selection.
“Therefore, you should be grateful for being able to set aside so many other prospective students who wants to be accepted into UIN Jakarta,” said Rector Amany.
AAKK Bureau Chief, Jaenudin, stated the PBAK for the 2022/2023 academic year was attended by 6.906 new students who had officially received a Student Identification Number (NIM). The details are, FITK (1.233 new students), FAH (661 new students), FU (535 new students), FSH (763 new students), FDIK (899 new students), FDI (165 new students), FPsi (253 new students), FST (750 new students), FEB (803 new students), FISIP (369 new students), FIKES (356 new students), and FK (119 new students).
According to the schedule, PBAK will last for four days until August 26. PBAK’s main material contains general insights about UIN Jakarta, academic policies, student development, and cooperation and institutional development. At the faculty level, material on the faculty, department, and student organization will be given. (ns/usa)