Rector Amany Lubis Inaugurates 1.574 Graduates

Rector Amany Lubis Inaugurates 1.574 Graduates

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis inaugurate 1.574 graduates consists of 1464 undergraduate graduates, 91 master program graduates, and 19 doctoral program graduates at the 125th Graduation Ceremony of UIN Jakarta. The inauguration ceremony was held at the Harun Nasution Auditorium building, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Saturday (08/27/2022).

Rector in her speech  congratulate and appreciates the new graduates who have successfully completed their study period at UIN Jakarta, both from the undergraduate and postgraduate programs as well as doctoral programs.

“UIN Jakarta always supports its graduates to play an active role in various situation through social service and research activities that will develop national welfare. Hopefully the knowledge you get during your study period can become a valuable asset in the midst for the society,” she said.

She also appreciated the commitment of the graduates to finish their study on-time. “I hope you are successful in pursuing your own professional and scientific careers,” said Rector Amany.

For information, 15 graduates are chosen as the best graduates based on their GPA (Grade Point Average), they are Tito Tri Kadafi (FITK) with 3.98 of GPA, Nurul Azizah (FAH) with 3.90 of GPA, Ferdian (FU) with 3.93 of GPA, Mawardi Pohan (FSH) with 3.97 of GPA, Ahmad Alwaly (FDIK) with 3.91 of GPA, Zidni Fikri (FDI) with 3.95 of GPA, Arina Nastiti Putri Biantari (Fpsi) with 3.97 of GPA, Riayatu Asihah (FEB) with 3.89 of GPA, Mufidatul Mar’ah (FST) with 3.93 of GPA, Lathifah Novayanti Putri (Fikes) with 3.85 of GPA, and Rifka Ade Harfiyanti (FISIP) with 3.90 of GPA.

For the faculty master’s program; Sundaniawati Safitri (FITK Master’s program) with 3.93 of GPA, Ahmed Omar Mohyieldin Mohamed  (FDI Master’s program) with 3.77 of GPA, and Sari Emilia Santi (Fpsi Master’s program) with  4.00 of GPA. Meanwhile, for the Graduate School (SPs) of UIN Jakarta, Sri Widyasri (SPs Doctoral program) with 3.81 of GPA.

May the success of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta alumni continue to uphold the goodwill of the alma mater and triumph throughout the world. (usa)