Ranita UIN Jakarta Wins 2 ASEAN-Level Environmental Video Competitions

Ranita UIN Jakarta Wins 2 ASEAN-Level Environmental Video Competitions

Rectorate, UIN News Online – KMPLHK Ranita wins 2 competition in the ASEAN Young Climate Leaders Program competition with the theme “Green Conversations” held by the ASEAN Foundation and SAP SE (multinational software company) on 22 May-5 June 2022.

Based on Ranita's press release received by BERITA UIN Online, Friday (10/6/2022), Ranita sent three representatives. However, only two representatives managed to win the competition. The first champion was won by Sindy Indah Oktavia and the second champion by Siti Robiatul Adawiyah. They are champions in video competition creative nominations.

Sindy chose the theme of the video about local wisdom. According to Sindy, this theme is rarely brought up in the competitions she has participated in during her activities at Ranita.

During the video making , Sindy encountered a problem. This student of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Sciences, was confused about choosing a number of video content to compete in.

“There are many interesting messages and information that I want to deliver, but the video duration is only limited to 90 seconds,” said Sindy.

Meanwhile, Siti raised the theme of a video about urban agriculture. This student from the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, highlighted Situ Gintung, a tourist area in Ciputat, which is only used for recreation. In fact, Situ Gintung is an example of urban agriculture so it can also be used as a means of education.

“There are still many who do not know that there are plantations in Situ Gintung. There, we can learn about reforestation, composting, planting tactics, and ecobricks,” she said. (ns/snl/usa)