RANITA UIN Jakarta Holds Disaster Care Action
SC FIELDS, UIN News Online – RANITA UIN Jakarta held a community-wide disaster response action following the occurrence of natural disasters that hit several areas in Bali Province, Pacitan Regency, and and DI Yogyakarta. In addition to facilitating the public donation program, UIN Jakarta Student Activity Unit is deploying a number of volunteers to each area.
“Responding the disaster, KMPLHK RANITA UIN Jakarta established a disaster-caring post and delegated its members to volunteer,” said the chairman of RANITA UIN Jakarta Ahmad Barqu Syudjai to UIN News Online, Tuesday, (12/5/2017).
The post opened by RANITA UIN Jakarta will serve as a disaster data and information center as well as a center of public assistance, and opened in the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training (FITK) garden. Additionally, RANITA sent six volunteers to three disaster areas.
For those who want to donate to disaster-affected people, RANITA UIN Jakarta opened two donation accounts. Donations can be sent through BNI account 4370-77818-8 (Hesty Adreany) and Bank MANDIRI account 900-00-2165381-2 (Moch. Ubaidi Abdillah).
In the past week, the catastrophic eruption of volcanoes and floods occurred in Bali, Pacitan, and Yogyakarta. In addition to displaced and dying victims, disasters also cause material and psychological damage to affected people.
The eruption of Mount Agung Bali forced 43,358 people to evacuate to 229 refuge points. At the same time, floods also hit Pacitan and Yogyakarta. Pacitan floods caused 1876 people to evacuate and 20 people died where 14 people died from floods and 6 people died from landslides. Of the 20 victims, only 11 victims were found.
In Yogyakarta, the flood disaster caused by the overflowing Winingo river caused residents at six riverside points to be displaced. The magnitude of the flood also caused a number of houses buried and 7 people died. (usa)