Ramadan on Campus: The Easiest Way into Body Detoxification through 30 Days Straight of Fasting
Jakarta, UIN Online News - For Muslims, the holy month of Ramadan has several unique attributes and values compared in other months. One of such qualities is fasting; it is not only meritorious but also has several health benefits.
Groundbreaking finding in cell biology
Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese cell biology researcher, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016. His study showed that damaged cells will undergo programmed cell death and they will be replaced by new cells, resulting in the preservation of only healthy cells capable of maximum function, a process known as autophagy.
This recycle process can be triggered once the body enter the starvation phase which is done trough fasting and ketogenics diet. Our body needs extra focus to repair itself, hence why we should not continuously overwhelm the metabolic system with excessive food.
In conclusion, fasting serves as a straightforward cleansing method for the human body, akin to discarding superfluous waste. It provides benefits including enhanced physical performance, improved cognitive health, and the prevention of premature aging caused by the buildup of damaged cells.
Reaching the most benefits of fasting
The optimal fast adheres to the Prophet's custom, including postponing the pre-dawn meal (sahur) and expediting the breaking of the fast (iftar). The sahur cuisine should include substantial nutritional sufficiency, with significant levels of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, along with enough rehydration, since the body would be deprived of these nutrients while fasting.
When breaking the fast, it is essential to consider menu selections to attain the benefits of fasting by avoiding high-calorie and saturated fat meals like sugary and fried meals. Numerous researches have shown that breaking the fast with dates is ideal, since dates are nutritionally rich fruits, with protein and fiber content that make them easily digested as the first meal to enter one's body after the whole day.
Professional opinion towards fasting
In what manner might fasting serve as the most fundamental method of detoxification? Prof. Flori, pharmacology professor in the Faculty of Medicine at UIN Jakarta, stated that the optimal fasting adheres to the principles demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad.
She asserted that dates are rich in simple sugars (monosaccharides) and very nutritious. The body's state of prolonged fasting necessitates the rapid consumption of readily digested meals.
"Consequently, opting to break the fast with dates and other nutritious foods is significantly preferable to consuming heavy, hard-to-digest foods." she explained.
Furthermore, Prof. Flori also highlighted many health concerns that must be taken into account when fasting, including severe diabetes, pregnancy, renal failure, and other gastrointestinal issues. Effective management and careful selection of meals while fasting are essential to deter health issues backed with substantial research in traditional and prophetic medicine
“If executed flawlessly, a 30-day fast will restore the body to its natural state, characterized solely by the presence of healthy cells,” she concluded.
If you are more interested in this Ramadan news series, you can watch this YouTube video below.
Also watch: Fasting in Medical Perspective | Prof. dr. Flori Ratna Sari Ph.D. | Ramadan Kareem
(M. Hanif Al-Fatih/Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: PIH)