Ramadan on Campus: Fostering Social Cohesion via the Spiritual Practice of Fasting
Jakarta, UIN Online News - Fasting during Ramadan transcends into more than a basic personal gesture of devotion; it possesses a significant social component for fostering social cohesion and reinforcing Muslim brotherhood.
Prof. Arief Zamhari, M.Ag., Ph.D., professor of religious sociology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, asserted that these two interactions must be equilibrated. A Muslim is obligated to cultivate their piety towards Allah SWT and to act benevolently towards others.
Human nature
The primary objective of fasting is to restore individuals to their inherent nature, which is characterized by a propensity for benevolence and compassion toward others. The hunger and thirst encountered while fasting serve not just as physical challenges but also as profound teachings that cultivate social sensitivity.
"When an individual directly experiences the self-restraint from diverse worldly pleasures, they will find it easier to comprehend the suffering of others who may endure hunger during the month of Ramadan," he addressed.
Moreover, he highlighted that this understanding acts as a catalyst for heightened social concern. Ramadan encompasses not just self-discipline but also the cultivation of empathy that inspires tangible assistance to others.
Social bonding among Muslims
According to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), "A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. He must neither oppress nor permit oppression. Whoever meets the needs of his brother, Allah will meet their wants. Whoever mitigates the hardships of their brother, Allah will ease all sorts of adversity for them on the Day of Judgment. Whoever covers the shortcomings of his brother, Allah will conceal his shortcomings on the Day of Judgment" (narrated from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).
Therefore, Prof. Arief emphasized that this hadith acts as a compelling impetus for Muslims to enhance social cohesion, particularly during the month of Ramadan. Islam emphasizes the need for social cooperation, particularly in aiding the disadvantaged.
"Assistance provided to those in need fosters gratitude and unity, thereby reinforcing the social fabric of community life. Consequently, fasting is more than mere abstention from food and drink; it also functions as a mechanism to strengthen social connections among Muslims," he signified.
Sharing is caring
While sharing is a commendable principle, not all individuals can engage in it authentically. Prof. Arief said that sharing requires a profound awareness and honesty, since it involves relinquishing a portion of one's belongings for the sake of others. He referred to the practice as personal jihad, a struggle against one's own ego and avarice.
"Only individuals who possess inner tranquility can offer genuine contributions. Those who have attained spiritual and emotional maturity will find it simpler to share without experiencing feelings of loss. In contrast, those ensnared by an overwhelming attachment to worldly possessions would find it difficult to surrender their wealth for the benefit of others, he concluded.
The significance of the sacred month of Ramadan not only instructs people to approach His blessings but also imparts principles of humanity and solidarity that function as a cohesive force in Muslims' communal life.
"Fasting enhances personal piety and promotes social justice; hence, it influences communal life." This is what renders Ramadan a significant occasion for strengthening social solidarity among Muslims," the professor of religious sociology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah said.
Also Watch: Fasting Promotes Brotherhood Among Muslims | Prof. Arief Zamhari, M.Ag., Ph.D. | Ramadan Kareem
(Shanti Oktavia/Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: Youtube UIN Jakarta)