Rakerpim 2021 will discuss five main agendas

Rakerpim 2021 will discuss five main agendas

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is scheduled to hold leadership work meeting (Rakerpim) 2020 on eraly March 2021. There are five important agendas that will be discussed at this year's meeting which will be held online and offline.

This was said by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis to UIN News Online in her office on Thursday (02/11/2021).

Rector Amany Explained that the theme of the 2021 Rakerpim is “Optimalisasi Sumberdaya UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dalam Upaya Akselerasi Menuju PTN Badan Hukum”. This theme was prepared so that UIN Jakarta can achieve better national and international recognition in the future.

There are five commissions and agendas that need to be discussed at this year's Rakerpim, namely the Internationalization Commission, the Asset Commission, the Information Transformation Development Commission, the Information System Commission, and the Student and Alumni Commission.

“All the agendas that will be discussed will lead to optimalization efforts of UIN Jakarta towards PTN-BH,” said Rector.

She also added that the transformation proposal for UIN Jakarta into PTN-BH is already at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. “The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs at that time (Fachrul Rozi, Ed) agreed. Now we just have to wait from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform,” she added.

Separately, the Chairperson of the 2021 Rakerpim Muhammad Zuhdi said the five agendas that would be discussed at the Commission Meeting were very important and strategic. Everything is prepared as an effort to accelerate UIN Jakarta towards PTN-BH.

The five commissions are the Campus Internationalization Commission which deals with how UIN Jakarta as the largest PTKIN in Indonesia can broaden its roles and horizons  not only at the national level but also at the international level. Second, the Publication Commission, HKI, and community service. One of the requirements of PTN-BH is the benefit of higher education for society, industry and the environment.

Third, optimization of assets and business development. Sufficient income is needed to finance the operational management of higher education to be superior and have affordable services. Fourth, optimizing the roles of students and alumni, which are related to their progress at  national and international levels and also how alumni can contribute to their alma mater. Fifth, the management of the campus information system, which is expected to produce a stronger, more feasible and reliable information system.

“I also hope that participants can also make productive contributions during the event,” he hoped.

The 2021 Rakerpim will not only evaluate 2020 performance but also discuss the 2021 work program. The meeting will be attended by Rector Amany Lubis, Vice Rectors, Deans and deputy deans, Bureau Chiefs, Heads of divisions, Department heads, and heads of centers / institutes. (usa/ns/lsn)