Rakerpim 2020, here are some Rectors’ expectation

Rakerpim 2020, here are some Rectors’ expectation

Bogor, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis expects the amount of research that has an impact on industry and policy will continue to grow in the coming years. The same expectation also applies to the number of patents registered. Rector also said, there are many things that must be achieved by UIN Jakarta in order to strengthen its global recognition.

This was said by the Rector during the opening the UIN Jakarta’s Leadership work Meeting (Rakerpim) 2020 in Bogor, Sunday (02/09/2020).

UIN Jakarta, said the Rector, is expected to transform into a world-class university with global recognition for its academic contributions. One of the things that can be done to get recognition is the number of patents successfully registered by UIN Jakarta.

Furthermore, the Rector also hopes that the research produced by the academic community of UIN Jakarta will also have more impact on industry and policy. During this time, the amount of research produced by the academic community of UIN Jakarta continues to increase from year to year.

In addition, she added, UIN Jakarta must continue to encourage the development of religious moderation. “We all have to make religious moderation as a reference,” said Rector.

The Rector also hopes that each work units in UIN Jakarta can develop their own creativity and innovation. Creativity and innovation in work programs can be carried out according to program targets and individual program assignments.

For information, UIN Jakarta held a 2020 Leadership WorkMeeting in Bogor, West Java throughout Sunday-Tuesday (09-11 / 02/2020). The Rakerpim titled ‘Penguatan Kualitas Kelembagaan dan Integrasi Sistem Informasi Menuju Rekognisi Global’ was attended by all leaders in UIN Jakarta.

The Rakerpim will discuss four programs which are the focus for 2020. Namely the academic field which includes education, research, and community service. Then, the business sector, infrastructure and financial facilities. Furthermore, student development, alumni, and career development of students. Finally, strengthening cooperation and institutional development.

The Rakerpim was also filled with exposure by a number of partner university leaders, namely Tan Sri Dato Ser Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anies, M.Met., And Prof. Dr. Arif Satria. Azlan is the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, while Anies is the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia for the 2014-2019 period. As for Arif, he is the Rector of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB). (usa/zm)