QS AUR 2023, UIN Jakarta is Chosen as the Best PTKIN

QS AUR 2023, UIN Jakarta is Chosen as the Best PTKIN

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta became the best university in the category of State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institution (PTKIN) in the QS Asia University Ranking or QS AUR 2023. The QS rating agency itself has officially released the 40 best universities in Indonesia on Tuesday (11/08/2022).

In addition, UIN Jakarta is also the only PTKIN that is included in the list of the 40 best universities in QS AUR 2023 where the other 39 universities are public universities, both state universities and private universities.

In response, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis admitted that she was grateful and proud of the achievement of UIN Jakarta as a university representation in the PTKIN category which was included in the list of the 40 best national universities. “Alhamdulillah, UIN Jakarta was chosen as the best PTKIN,” she said.

It is known, QS World University Rankings has released an update on the ranking of the world's best universities. The same release also divides the ranking of the best universities by subject, sustainability, including by region and country.

By country, the top three universities in Indonesia are still occupied by the three oldest universities in Indonesia. University of Indonesia (ranked 49 in Asia) with a score of 62.2, then Gadjah Mada University (ranked 56in  Asia) with a score of 57.4, and followed by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ranked 63 in Asia) with a score of 54.8.

For the Asian region, there are 760 universities included in the ranking. The three best universities are Peking University, National University of Singapore, and Tsinghua University. Followed by The University of Hong Kong, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and Fudan University.

For information, the assessment of the QS Asia University Rankings 2023 is based on 11 key ranking indicators, namely academic reputation (30%), employer reputation (20%), Faculty/student ratio (10%), international research network (10%), citations per paper and papers per faculty (10%), staff with a PhD (5%), proportion of international faculty (2.5%) proportion of international students (2.5%), proportion of inbound exchange students(2.5%), and proportion of outbound exchange students (2.5%). (zm/usa)