Puslitpen Opens 2018 Research Grant Registration
Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online— Center for Research and Publishing (Puslitpen) LP2M UIN Jakarta re-opens the registration of grant research funding grant in fiscal year 2018. Registration opened from Monday 4 September to Friday 29 September can be done online through http://litapdimas.kemenag.go.id
This was conveyed by Head of Puslitpen LP2M UIN Jakarta, Wahdi Sayuti MA, as quoted by NEWS UIN Online, Tuesday (19/09/2017). "Puslitpen LP2M UIN Jakarta invites lecturers, functional researchers, librarians, and laboratories in UIN Jakarta to submit proposals for research funding Fiscal Year 2018," he appealed.
Lecturer of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty added that the registration of research grant this year is not much different from previous years. Only, registration this time is done online through http://litapdimas.kemenag.go.id page, while the information provision of research submission can be accessed through http://puslitpen.uinjkt.ac.id.
Centralized registration provisions in the Ministry of Religious Affairs RI was based on the Acting Director of Islamic Higher Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs RI Letter No. 4107 / Dj.I / Dt.I.III.5 / HM.01 / 08/2017. In the letter concerning the BOPTN Online Registration Study Guide, this provision is aimed at ensuring the enhancement of accountability quality of research implementation in Islamic religious colleges.
In the socialization of Call for Proposal Puslitpen UIN Jakarta 2018 mentioned, such registration is also based on the recommendation of the R & D Division of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for fund management BOPTN Research PTKIN managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The incoming research proposal is then validated by the admin team and the reviewer team in accordance with the field of internal knowledge of UIN Jakarta itself.
Eligible proposals will be approved and appear in the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs databases. In addition, the proposal will also be the basis for reference of BOPTN PTKIN funding in the following year.
Meanwhile, referring to the Puslitpen publication itself, there are eight types of research funded by grants next year. These include novice research, program development, interdisciplinary basic research, basic scientific integration research, applied research and college development, applied research and national college development, applied research and global development, excellent research or international collaboration.
In addition to the research report, the grants themselves are targeted to produce draft accredited in the national journals and recognized international journals. (usa)