Pursuing WCU, FEB UIN Jakarta Will Push the International Publication
FEB, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta holds a seminar on international publication entitled “Kiat Sukses Penyelenggaraan International Conference dan Penulisan Jurnal Terindeks Scopus†at FEB building UIN Jakarta, Friday, (2/24).
Present in the seminar, dean of FEB Dr Arief Mufraini, deputy dean of academic affairs Dr Amilin, deputy dean of general administration Dr Ade Sofyan Mulazid, deputy dean of students affairs Dr Desmadi Saharuddin and several department heads.
Arief Mufraini in his remarks explained that, to become a World Class University (WCU), UIN Jakarta need to transform its status to Legal Entity-State University (PTN BH). To obtain PTN BH status, UIN Jakarta need to get an “A†accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT), the students achievement should also reach the international level and must achieve the Reasonable Without Exception or Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) opinion from The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI).
“Furthermore, UIN Jakarta also need to achieve the big nine national ranking on patent and International Publication,†he said.
He also added that civitas academica of FEB UIN Jakarta need to increase the Scopus indexed international journals publication. “Post graduate students of FEB UIN Jakarta will be required to have a Scopus indexed international journal before attending the exam,†said economics doctoral graduate of the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Bandung in 2010.
FEB also invite Irwan Trinugroho as keynote speaker. The doctoral graduate from the Universite de Limoges France is now active as a researcher at Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS). He has more than 18 journals published, among them are Women in Top Management and Bank Performance: Evidence from Indonesia (2016), Organizational Tenure and Bank Diversification: A Replication (2016), ALM Behavior of Banks: Deposit Pricing Positioning, Managerial Risk Appetite and Money Market (2015), Policy Burdens of Development Banks: Evidence from Indonesia (2016), dan Why Households Borrow from Informal Predatory Lenders: Evidence from Indonesia (2015). (usa)