Puji Taklim UIN Jakarta Conducts Comparative Study Visit to Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Malang

Puji Taklim UIN Jakarta Conducts Comparative Study Visit to Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Malang

Rectorate, UIN News Online – To strengthen the silaturahmi, Center for Quranic Study (Puji taklim) UIN Jakarta conducts comparative study visit to Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Malang on July, 19-21, 2022.

The comparative study group was led by the Chair of Puji Taklim Al-Qur'an Faizah Ali Syibromalisi and five administrators.

“The group arrived in Malang on Tuesday (07/19/2022) afternoon. Then the next day, the group headed to Ma'had Al-Jami'ah UIN Malang,” said one of the Puji Taklim Al-Qur'an administrator, Nasichah Asy'ari, in a written statement submitted to UIN News Online, Saturday (08/06/2022).

The group was welcomed by the management of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah UIN Malang, including Mudir for female Ma'had, Nyai Sulalah, Wildana, and KH Muhammad Hasyim.

Then the event continued with an explanation of the history of the establishment of Ma'had Al-Jamiah by Wildana and an explanation of the program of activities by KH Muhammad Hasyim.

According to Nasichah, a comparative study visit of the Puji Taklim Al-Qur'an UIN Jakarta to Ma'had Al-Jamiah UIN Malang, aims to exchange ideas and experiences of the two institutions in developing the organization.

“In addition, comparative studies are also expected to occur intersubjective dialogue, both between individuals and institutions, especially in the field of teaching and fostering Al-Qur'an Reading and Writing (BTQ),” said Nasichah. (ns/usa)