Public Start to Take an Interest in Islamic Education

Public Start to Take an Interest in Islamic Education

SPs Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online – Along with the economic progress from time to time, the existence of Islamic educational institutions is increasingly recognized by society and state. This is evidenced by the interest of society large enough to send their children to some Islamic educational institutions.

In addition to the great interest of sending their children to Islamic educational institutions, there is also a clearer alignment and recognition of the state of Islamic schools' quality and institutionalism. This indication is a positive point for the continuity of Islamic education in Indonesia.

The above thoughts were given by the keynote speaker; Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra CBE at the International Seminar entitled Islamic Education: Challenges and Strategies for Innovations held by Graduate School (SPS), Thursday, November 9, 2017. Also present as a speaker, Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, Director of SPS, Prof. Dr. Norbani Binti Ismail (Islamic International University, Malaysia), Dr. Nevzat Chelik (Sorbonne University of Paris), Dr. Irina Katkova (Center for Archives and Manuscripts of Russia), Prof. Hafidz Abbas (UNJ, Jakarta) and Dr. Shirley Ann Baker (Alliant University, USA).

In Azra's view, interest and recognition can be explained by the establishment of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta in the era of the 2000s. The same thing is evident from the many innovations of Islamic education and institutions that are motivated to establish several Islamic schools based on various methodological breakthroughs and learning materials.

"Madrasah Aliyah Insan Cendekia in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) region can represent the latest trend of innovation in question," said Azra.

The same mind was also floated by Prof. Dr. Hafidz Abbas. Professor at the University of Jakarta (UNJ) affirmed that the institutional and learning materials presented in several Islamic schools, reflects his creativity and innovation to meet the challenges of the times.

“The next task, is to make sure that the innovation becomes more evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. Not only in some schools and madrasah," said Hafidz, Chairman of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).

On the other side, Dr. Nevzat Chelik of the Sorbonne University, France, said that any innovation done by an Islamic educational institution, must still be based on the identity and philosophy of Islamic education itself.

"It can not be just copying what is in conventional education," said Chelik. This opinion of Chelik is supported by Prof. Dr. Norbani Binti Ismail. In the view of Norbani, from the alumni of Islamic education was also born a variety of creative and emancipatory educators. Call Rahmah el-Yunusiah in West Sumatra. The challenge now is how the synthesis between Islamic education and contemporary educational models can continue to produce 'blue-print' visions and missions that continue to be compatible with social dynamics.

At the end of the session on the first day of the seminar, Dr. Shirley Baker asserted that one of the things that can not be ignored in innovating and responding to challenges in education is the role of education actors themselves.

"Especially leader of educational institutions. In the United States alone, research shows that schools or universities led by creative leaders can quickly evolve. Both in terms of academic and managerial, "said Shirley Baker.

Meanwhile, Prof. Masykuri Abdillah stressed that in a good and comprehensive Islamic education and depth, will be born learners who can appreciate the differences, be open and maintain good social harmonitas. The education will be rooted in a strong Islamic teaching but it gives birth to real social benefits and is appreciated by all. Here, the strategic significance of the depth of Islamic education.

"Islamic education institutions in Indonesia, on average committed to it. Able to spread peace as the form of Islam as a grace to the universe, " said Masykuri.

On the second day, Friday 10 November, the agenda of the seminar was a presentation of several lontributor papers from all over Indonesia as well as from among the students of Graduate School (SPS) itself. The theme presented revolves around the curriculum, methods, thinking, institutional, innovation and challenges in the world of Islamic education. Of the 34 incoming papers, 25 papers are considered eligible to be presented. (usa)