UIN Expo 2019, Pubdok Booth is Crowded with Visitors

UIN Expo 2019, Pubdok Booth is Crowded with Visitors

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Publication and Documentation (Pubdok) Booth in UIN Expo 2019 at UIN Jakarta Rectorate yard, Wednesday-Thursday, (01/30-31/2019), is crowded by senior high school visitors. The 12th grades students had come to the exhibition to find information regarding UIN Jakarta new admissions. They are not only come from the madrassas but also from public, private and vocational schools.

Pubdok booth becomes a center for visitors who wish to obtain information about education in UIN Jakarta. At this booth, the  booth officers not only provide information related to enrollment types, but also become a free consultant about majors which will be selected by the prospective students.

“We also provide free consultation for prospective students to choose a major based on their interests and abilities,” said Sub-division head of Publication and Documentation, Samsudin, Wednesday (01/30/2019)

Ika Mudrika, 12th grade student from Madrasah Aliyah Saadatuddarain, Mampang, South Jakarta, said that she and some of her friends enthusiastically admitted to enroll at UIN Jakarta, in addition to short distance from their home, UIN Jakarta also offers plenty courses that interests them.

“I want to choose Social Walfare Department of FIDK UIN Jakarta,” she said. She also added that that she will study hard as possible.

“Hopefully, I can be accepted as new student of UIN Jakarta,” she hoped.

The same thing was expressed by her schoolmate, Safitriani. Fitri admitted her interest to enroll at Library Sciences Department of FAH UIN Jakarta. Both Ika and Fitri, are hoping to be accepted in UIN Jakarta.

“UIN Jakarta has become my preferred choice as a place to continue my studies,” said Fitri.

UIN Expo 2019 was held to welcome the new admissions for 2019/2020 academic year, Exhibitors consist of various faculties and institutes in UIN Jakarta and student activities (SMEs) units at university level. (usa)