Pubdok UIN Jakarta to Learn about UII Website Strategy

Pubdok UIN Jakarta to Learn about UII Website Strategy

UII Integrated Campus, UIN News Online— UIN Jakarta Publication and Documentation Team (Pubdok) visited and studied the strategy of website management of Indonesian Islamic University (UII) Yogyakarta, Wednesday (04/10/2017). The team was led by head of Sub-division of Publication and Documentation Feni Arifiani S.Ag., MH., they were received by UII Marketing Director, Cooperation and Alumni Hangga Fathana, Head of Cooperation Division Sigit Pamungkas, and Public Relation Director Karina Utami Dewi.

In his speech, Feni revealed that their visit from UIN Jakarta to UII was to learn about the strategy and management on information management in the oldest Islamic university in Indonesia. UII website, in this case, is one of the private university website that is able to compete in the national webometrics rank.

"Therefore, we want to learn more on kinds of the management and information strategy management UII," he added.

On the other side, Hangga revealed, website pages is one of UII's priorities as the main instrument in delivering college information to the public. It is not only efficient, but also the range of information submission by the website wider than printed media as magazines and newsletters.

According to him, UII website is designed with a whole attention to the needs of UII user like prospective students, students, academic community, and society. In addition, the design also takes into account the prevailing trends in the world's best college environment.

"We also do benchmarking by looking at good overseas website content. Then, we made justification to our own needs, "he explained.

In addition, he continued, the website is built in full consideration to the needs of cooperation partners on information about UII. "Innovation is a necessity for us (the web, ed.), Especially to convince business partners and educational institutions, both nationally and internationally," said Hangga.

Hangga continued, UII's own website management is done jointly across units. There are three units that focused to manage three types of website content, i.e news content managed by Directorate of Public Relations, general content managed by Directorate of Marketing and Alumni, while UII system managed by Information System Board. (usa)