PTKIN Bureau Chiefs and Section Heads Association Declare the Palangkaraya Charter
Palangkaraya, Kemenag - As many as 55 Bureau Chiefs and Section heads of State Religious University (PTKN) throughout Indonesia declared the Charter of Palangkaraya. The charter contains a joint statement regarding the determination to reject all forms of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism that threaten Pancasila and the Unity of Indonesia.
The Palangkaraya charter was read out by the Chairman of PTKIN Bureau Chiefs and Section Heads Association Khairunnas during the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event in Palangkaraya, Sunday (5/21).
On behalf PTKIN Bureau Chiefs and Section Heads Association, Khairunnas admitted that PTIN are worried to see the rampant group that has low respect for diversity, Pancasila and NKRI. Therefore, PTKIN Bureau Chiefs and Section Heads Association will fully support the Declaration of Aceh conducted by the Leader of PTKIN to drive away the radical and intolerant groups that threaten Pancasila and the unity of NKRI.
The declaration was read out in front of FGD participants and three PTKN leaders, Vice Chancellor I IAIN Palangkaraya, Head of State College of Hindu Religion (STAHN), and Head of State College of Christian Religion (STAKN) Palangkaraya.
Director of Islamic Religious of Higher Education Directorate General of Islamic Education Nizar Ali appreciated the statement Palangkaraya Declaration to strengthen and support Aceh Declaration.
Nizar Ali hoped that national commitment forms which have given birth to various declarations should be implemented on respective campuses. The threat of radicalism must be resisted by promoting moderate Islam, and PTKIN is ready for it, he said.
The following is the complete content of Palangkaraya Declaration that strengthens Aceh Declaration:
Statement of Support to Rector Forum Declaration in Aceh on Maintaining the Four Pillars of Nationality through Three Pillars of Higher Education
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
Considering the current situation and condition of Indonesian national life characterized by the emergence of the idea of ​​radicalism, extremism, anti-tolerance and anti-diversity which will threaten the existence of four pillars of nationality: Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, State Unitary of the Republic of Indonesia,  and 1945 Constitution, then by appealing to the Almighty God ridlo, the Bureau Chief Forum and the Head of the State Religious Affairs Department (PTKN), represent diversity in Indonesian, agreed to:
- Mobilize all resources available at PTKN to organize activities that able to strenghten the existence of Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI and 1945 Constitution, within various forms of Tri Dharma of higher education activities.
- Socialize and implement the values ​​of Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), NKRI and 1945 Constitution within activities of teaching and learning process, research activities, and community services.
- Strive for the sustaining activities for the existence of Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI and 1945 Constitution through various forms of activities held mutually by various State Religious Universities, regionally and nationally.
- Require every activities held on-campus, organized by student activity unit, intra campus organization activities, and other activities, begin with singing Indonesia Raya song, reading Pancasila, and ending by singing Bagimu Negeri song.
- Prohibits all potential activities to threaten, weaken and discredit the four pillars of nationality, Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and 1945 Constitution, whether organized by students, educators, educational personnel or other parties. (usa-im)