PSGA UIN Jakarta Decides the Best Six Paper of LKTI 2017
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Center for the Study of Gender and Child (PSGA) UIN Jakarta selected the best six papers of the 2017 National Scientific Writing Contest (LKTI). The six papers were chosen because they fulfilled the original aspect of the idea, scientific impact, sources of reference, analysis, systematic writing, and language quality.
After going through several stages of assessment, the jury finally set multiple winners based on scientific writing criteria,” said the head of PSGA UIN Jakarta Rahmi Purnomowati SP., M.Si. to UIN News Online, Wednesday, (11/3/2017).
The six winning papers themselves fall into two categories, lecturers and students. For the category of lecturers, Masthuriyah Sa'dan was elected from UIN Sunan Kalijaga as the first winner of her paper entitled Pengarusutamaan Gender dalam Pendidikan Pesantren: Kajian Feminisme Islam.
Furthermore, Abidin Nurdin from Malikussaleh University of Aceh won second the place. Abidin wrote a paper entitled Pencegahan dan Perlindungan Anak Berbasis Gampong di Aceh: Penguatan Adat dalam Memberikan Proteksi Terhadap ABH (Anak yang Berhadapan dengan Hukum).
The third winner for the lecturer category was chieved by Abdul Aziz from STAI Nurul Iman, Parung, Bogor. He wrote a paper entitled Relasi Gender dalam Membentuk Keluarga Harmoni: Upaya Membentuk Keluarga Bahagia.
For the category of students, Mardian Sulistyati from UIN Jakarta was selected as the first winners, she wrote a paper entitled Pembangunan dan Feminisasi Tanah di Indonesia; Kajian Ekofeminisme Global.
The second place was chieved by Furba Indah from UIN Jakarta, she wrote a paper entitled Meninjau Double Barden dalam PP Nomor 78 Tahun 2015 tentang Pengupahan sebagai Hambatan Mewujudkan Gender sebagai Aspek Ketahanan Keluarga Buruh.
Furthermore, the third winner for this category was achieved by Tita Novitasari from UIN Jakarta, she wrote a paper entitled Pencegahan Perilaku Bullying di Sekolah.
Rahmi also added that this decision is final because it is based on scientific considerations of writing. However, PSGA UIN Jakarta has the right to cancel the winning statuses if the winning papers are known and proved to be the result of plagiarism. (usa)