PSGA UIN Jakarta and Komnas Perempuan Hold Gender and Human Rights Discussion
Syahida Inn, UIN News Online - PSGA UIN Jakarta held a discussion forum by inviting the Vice Chairperson of the National Commission on Violence Against Women for the 2015-2019 period, Yuniyanti Chuzaifah, Ph.D. The idea discussed was “The RESPECT Framework: Understanding Gender Equality as a Human Right” on Wednesday (5/6/2024).
Dr. Yuniyanti in her discussion raised ecofeminism which cares about the rights of nature and humans. According to her, the world has a masculine concept that ignores the rights of humans and nature. So, ecofeminism is suitable to be applied because nature is often done like women who are considered as mere objects.
According to her, many countries have failed to implement development that is oriented towards the welfare of the community. Usually, many countries are rich, but unhappy and exploit nature a lot.
“Many failed countries are inspired by the Himalayas whose people remain happy without exploiting nature and they still explore their religion,” said the alumnus of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6/2024).
He also hopes that UIN Jakarta needs policy experts and good infrastructure. This is because many campuses use elevators. Yuni also compared with the academic community in the Dutch campuses who prefer to use stairs.
“If you have a house, minimize the use of chemicals and if (you have) clothes are reused,” suggested Yuniyanti, Wednesday (5/6/2024).
Then, Yuniyanti also mentioned Gender Based Violence (GBV) - gender-based violence. She said, with the view of human rights, GBV causes psychological and physical suffering to women which can be rooted in power relations.
"(GBV) can have physical, psychological and spiritual impacts. If the context is non-body, it can be in the form of whistling, peeping, and giving sexual symbols and the body context can be done by poking. That is in the TPKS Law,” explained Yuniyanti, Wednesday (5/6/2024).
At the end of her presentation, Yuniyanti explained the RESPECT framework to prevent violence against women. RESPECT is described as Relationships, Skillship strengthened, Empowerment of women, Services ensured, Poverty reduced, Environments made safe, Child and adolescent abuse prevented, and Transformed attitudes, beliefs and norms.
(Febria Adha L./Fauziah M./Raihan Lail)