Professor Arief Mufraini Appointed as a member of BPKH Implementing Body

Professor Arief Mufraini Appointed as a member of BPKH Implementing Body

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta Ariedf Mufraini was inaugurated by the President of Republic Indonesia Joko Widodo as a member of the Implementing Body of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) for 2022-2027 period, at the State Palace, Monday (17/10/2022). Professor Arief was inaugurated along with six other members of the BPKH Implementing Body.

Based on the official release of the Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat,, quoted by UIN News Online, “The inauguration is based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 101/P of 2022 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board and Members of the Implementing Body of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) for the 2022-2027 period which is set in Jakarta on October 14, 2022,” said the release.

In addition to Professor Arief, the six members of the BPKH Implementing Body who were appointed consisted of Fadlul Imansyah, Indra Gunawan, Acep Riana Jayaprawira, Amri Yusuf, Harry Alexander, and Sulistyowati. All members have professional and academic backgrounds who are considered capable of leading the management of the national Hajj fund.

At the same time, President Joko Widodo also inaugurated Dr. H. Rojikin M.Si., QIA, and Dawud Arif Khan, S.E., AK., M.S.I., CPA as members of the BPKH Supervisory Board. The two were inaugurated along with five other members of the Supervisory Board, namely Firmansyah N. Nazaroedin, Deni Suardini, Heru Muara Sidik, Mulyadi, and Ishfah Abidal Aziz.

It is known that Rojikin is the Head of the Planning and Finance (PK) Bureau of UIN Jakarta for the 2020-2022 period. Meanwhile, Dawud is a non-PNS lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Arief is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta. In addition to teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate FEB programs, he is also active in teaching at the Masters and Doctoral Programs in Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Jakarta.

At FEB, he teaches Islamic Microeconomics, Research Methodology, and Sharia Investment and Capital Market courses. While in the Master of Islamic Economics and Doctor of Islamic Banking he teaches Research Methodology and Theory of Islamic Investment and Finance. While at SPs UIN Jakarta, he teaches Theories and Methods of Islamic Banking and Finance, Contemporary Issues on Islamic Finance, MA Research Methodology, and Ph.D Research and Methodology.

As an academic, Arief is also productive in writing a number of books and articles published in various journals. For example, he wrote the book titled Dana Haji Indonesia: Harapan dalam Paralogisme Pengelolaan dan Teorisasi Keuangan Syariah (2021) and an article titled The Stability of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index to Economic Shocks (2020).

After completing his undergraduate education at al-Azhar University in Cairo, Arief completed his master's and doctoral education at the University of Indonesia. He was also trusted as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Jakarta in the 2015-2019 period. (setkab/zm/usa)