Press Release: "Senate of PTKIN Indonesia Holds FGD in Medan"

Press Release: "Senate of PTKIN Indonesia Holds FGD in Medan"

The Senate of PTKIN across Indonesia held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from Friday to Sunday (July 19-21, 2024) at Wings Hotel, Medan. Organized by the State Islamic University (UIN) of North Sumatra, the event was attended by chairpersons, secretaries, and some senate members from various PTKIN institutions across Indonesia. Representatives from the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Senate, Prof. Dr. Masri Mansoer, M.Ag (University Senate Secretary) and Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia M.Ag (Chairperson of the Education Committee), were also present.

The event, which took place in a solemn and friendly atmosphere, was conducted in the form of a sharing session. Each Senate from different PTKIN institutions shared experiences and ideas, focusing on the strategic role of the senate in enhancing the academic quality of excellent PTKIN. The subsequent activities included commission meetings divided into five fields and a plenary session to formulate key ideas and recommendations.

On this occasion, Prof. Masri Mansoer, the Secretary of the University Senate of UIN Jakarta, stated that the meeting discussed several emerging key ideas related to the role and function of the senate in efforts to strengthen excellent PTKIN and solutions to various challenges faced.

"It is a common understanding that universities are centers of excellence in building knowledge and noble civilization of the nation through the preparation of high-quality human resources," he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Euis Amalia, Chairperson of the Education Committee of the UIN Jakarta Senate, emphasized that to fulfill its functions, universities need to be supported by a good governance system, organizational structure, and a conducive academic atmosphere.

"One of the important organs in Higher Education is the Senate, which is the highest normative and representative body in Higher Education, specifically PTKIN. According to regulations, the senate has the duty and function to draft, formulate, determine policies, provide considerations, and supervise the implementation of academic affairs," Euis stated.

She added that the senate plays a role in providing considerations and overseeing all academic activities, including education and teaching, academic quality policies, research, community service, student and alumni development, code of ethics enforcement, institutional cooperation development, and strategic planning. Therefore, a harmonious, equal, and dynamic relationship pattern between the senate in its duties and functions with the university leadership as the executor is needed to build an excellent and quality educational institution together.

In the framework of realizing the Golden Indonesia vision, the major challenge currently faced is related to excellent human resources capable of competing internationally and globally, adapting to digital technology, adjusting in the disruptive era, and sustaining long-term viability. In this context, universities are expected to have responsive and progressive policies to address rapidly changing and dynamic situations and provide the best solutions to various internal and external problems. Therefore, the senate is expected to play an optimal role as it consists of professors, faculty representatives, and, ex officio, faculty and rectorate leaders.

The senate, as a social and moral force in PTKIN, should have a strong driving force to solve various problems and find appropriate and proportional solutions to support the vision, mission, and goals of higher education. Hence, strengthening the senate's capacity in PTKIN is crucial to actively enforcing academic and noble values on campus and in the surrounding community.

The FGD of the PTKIN Senate across Indonesia resulted in six important recommendations, one of which was the agreement to establish the PTKIN Senate Forum of Indonesia. The forum leadership will be formed collectively by a presidium consisting of 13 representatives from UIN, IAIN, and STAIN levels, representing different regions. The FGD minutes will be submitted by the presidium to the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, with the next meeting agreed to be held at another UIN according to the agreement and readiness. (Nurul Faadhilati Idris)

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