Press Release: KSE UIN Jakarta Achieves the Title of Best Association in the Archipelago

Press Release: KSE UIN Jakarta Achieves the Title of Best Association in the Archipelago

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Paguyuban Beasiswa Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta brings proud news after receiving an award as the Best Paguyuban throughout the archipelago in the Opening Ceremony of Scholarship Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Year 2024-2025 through zoom meeting, Saturday (21/9/2024).

Even though it was held online, this award ceremony was still lively and meaningful. The high enthusiasm of the participants and colleagues of the association is clear evidence of the success that has been achieved. This award is not only an achievement, but also a reflection of the collective dedication and hard work of all KSE UIN Jakarta members.

This achievement marks a new chapter in the journey of KSE UIN Jakarta, which has always been committed to supporting the development of the potential of scholarship students and encouraging the growth of social spirit among the younger generation. With various innovative programs that have been implemented, KSE UIN Jakarta has successfully positioned itself as a pioneer in soft skills development, leadership, and community service.

KSE UIN Jakarta becomes the Number 1 Association of 35 State Universities

Known after the KSE Association of Sepuluh November Institute of Technology and the KSE Association of Udayana University as well as 35 other partner universities of Karya Salemba Empat, KSE UIN Jakarta has succeeded in becoming a role model for other associations.

In addition, the UIN Jakarta KSE Association continues to demonstrate its ability to face various challenges and adapt to the times. With the spirit of togetherness and innovation, they have successfully implemented various hands-on programs that focus on developing the skills of the scholarship recipients as well as real contributions to the community. Each program run has a positive impact on both the association members and the campus community, ensuring that all activities can run effectively and bring significant results.

Achmad Reza Fahcruroji, Chairman of the UIN Jakarta KSE Association, in response to the announcement, expressed his gratitude and pride for this achievement. “We feel very honored and grateful for the trust given to us. This is the result of the hard work of all members of the association, both administrators and scholarship recipients, who have been working together with a spirit of solidarity and togetherness. This award is proof that hard work will never betray results,” he said.

KSE UIN Jakarta will continue to Nurture a Number of Future Hopes

At the end of the event, the organizers expressed the hope that the KSE scholarship recipients' associations throughout Indonesia can use this moment as an inspiration to continue to contribute and make a positive impact in their respective environments. As the best association, the UIN Jakarta KSE Association is expected to set a good example and continue to lead the way in terms of innovation, leadership, and social responsibility.

This achievement is a motivation for KSE UIN Jakarta to continue working and making a greater contribution to UIN Jakarta. Hopefully the collaboration that has been established between the association and other campuses can be even closer and produce works that are beneficial to society.

Poster KSE Terbaik

(Release of UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center)

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