President of Timor Leste to Deliver His Speech at UIN Jakarta

President of Timor Leste to Deliver His Speech at UIN Jakarta

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate as well as President of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste H.E Jose Ramos Horta is scheduled to deliver his speech at UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (07/20/2022).

Jose Ramos Horta will share his views on the development of Timor Leste and insight on Timor Leste’s engagement with the global world.

Apart from delivering his speech at UIN Jakarta, he will also have a meeting with various elements in Indonesia. This includes meeting with religious leaders, academics, business people and the media in order to foster the excellent relations between the countries.

In Addition, his visit will also be filled with talk show themed “Peran Islam Indonesia dalam Tatanan Dunia Global yang Berkeadilan” by inviting Azyumardi Azra (UIN Jakarta), Amelia Fauziah (UIN Jakarta), and Arif Abdullah Sagran (Muslim Community Leader of Timor Leste).

Meanwhile, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis said that UIN Jakarta facilitated President Ramos Horta's visits and public lectures as support for the Indonesian government's diplomacy at regional and international levels. At the same time, strengthening Indonesia's role in the G20 Presidency. As one of the PTKIN under the supervision of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, she added, UIN Jakarta has the mission of mainstreaming religious moderation for the creation of peace, justice, humanity and democracy. "The Indonesian government's policies that consistently support the development of Timor Leste as a democratic and prosperous country need to be addressed properly by Islamic Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia," said Rector.

For information, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta is a politican currently serving as President of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste since May 2022. He is also a co-laureate  of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, for working towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. (usa)