Pre ICEMS FITK: Seeing the Future of Primary Education

Pre ICEMS FITK: Seeing the Future of Primary Education

FITK, UIN News Online – Primary education in the future will face complex challenges. One of them, the development of information technology that presupposes every stakeholder to innovate in learning. To answer this challenge, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training held an event "Pre-ICEMS Webinar Series #1: The Future of Elementary Education: Research Perspective" which took place online and offline on Wednesday, 15 June 2022.

Primary education in the future will face complex challenges. One of them, the development of information technology that requires every stakeholder to innovate. To answer this challenge, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training held an event "Pre-ICEMS Webinar Series #1: The Future of Elementary Education: Research Perspective" which took place online and offline on Wednesday, 15 June 2022.

This activity is a series from The 8th ICEMS (International Conference on Education in Muslim Society) which will be held in August 2022. Azkia Muharom Albantani, as the chief executive of ICEMS 2022 said that basic education is important. One of the elements of successful learning in primary education is the teacher.

Teachers are a significant element in building student capacity to keep up with the demands of Era Society 5.0., so that basic education become more focused. In this regard, Pre-ICEMS is held as an event to share knowledge and research result on primary education.

In this event, the Dean of FITK UIN Sururin said that ICEMS was a routine event held by FITK UIN Jakarta by presenting speakers from abroad and within the country.

The Pre-ICEMS activity, she continued, is an event to share research and scientific publications. This is interesting because on this occasion, FITK UIN Syarif Jakarta collaborates with BLA (Religious Research and Development Agency) Jakarta and the theme raised is primary education. In addition, it is hoped that with this event the achievement of international publications in the FITK environment will be better.

Also present in the event, head of BLA Heri Susanto. On the occasion, Heri said that BLA Jakarta is a leading institution in providing data and research results on religious and social research. As a dissemination medium, BLA Jakarta has the Penamas journal which has been indexed by Sinta 2.

Related to The 8th ICEMS, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Zulkifli positively welcomed this activity for two reasons. This activity is an event to build a research culture and as an event to intensify international publications.

“This event can motivate participants to write and publish their article through journals or internationally indexed proceedings,” he said.

Moderated by Tri Suryaningsih, this event presents Asep Ediana Latip, Takiddin, and Lu'luil Maknun as speakers. During the event, no less than 210 participants came from various circles, including lecturers, teachers, students, academics, and education practitioners. (fitk/usa)