PPM UIN Jakarta holds workshop on HKI management

PPM UIN Jakarta holds workshop on HKI management

Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Center for Community Service (PPM) held a virtual workshop entitled "Pengurusan Paten dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual bagi Dosen UIN Jakarta", Wednesday (09/08/2021). This activity aims to encourage lecturers to create and apply for Intellectual Property Rights (HKI).

This event invited the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, Head of the Sub-directorate of Applications and Publications, Junarlis, and the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development of UIN Jakarta, Lily Surayya Eka Putri as speakers.

According to Junarlis, patents are solutions to specific problems in the field of technology. In obtaining a patent, he continued, there are six stages that must be passed and it takes at least six months to complete the patent.

“There are procedures that need to be passed, including administrative checks, announcements, substantive examinations, certification, and patent maintenance,” he said.

Junarlis said that the cost of patents is currently much cheaper. Junarlis said that the cost of patents is currently much cheaper with a faster process. The cost of applying for patents for medium and micro business groups (SMEs), limited liability companies (PT), and research and development (R & D) as much as IDR 350,000. As for the general public as much as IDR 1,250,000, with a substantive fee of IDR 3 million.

The cost for a simple patent application is much cheaper, namely for SMEs, PT, and R&D, which is IDR 200,000, while for the public it is IDR 800, 000 with a substantive fee of IDR 500,000.

Junarlis appreciated the existence of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) and the Intellectual Property Center of UIN Jakarta. He appealed to make the best use of these two institutions.

Meanwhile, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis revealed that the UIN Jakarta community had strong capital in producing patentable products. In addition to academic works in the form of books and journal articles, UIN Jakarta community members also have the ability to produce ready-to-use laboratory test-based products.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, she said, several faculties such as the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FITK), the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes), and the Faculty of Medicine (FK) have produced a number of health products needed by the community.

Such success, she explained, was supported by research and developed science such as Biology Education at FITK, Biology at FST, and Pharmacy at Fikes. Laboratory infrastructure to conduct product trials also supports this. These two things are considered to be the main capital for developing patent-oriented products.

In addition to health products related to the Covid 19 Pandemic, she continued, FST students and lecturers also innovated to make Eco-Enzymes for water purification.

“Also at Fikes and FK. In this faculty, medicinal and herbal products are developed. We just need support to get a patent or a production permit. In addition to industrial-oriented products, we also have a lot of creative and innovative intellectual ideas, ” she explained.

On the same occasion, Lily Suraya said that UIN Jakarta is ready to support and provide financial assistance for lecturers who want to apply for patents. Patent rights can be done by all faculties, but it requires collaboration between faculties.

“Other faculties can contribute ideas, while about tools, they can collaborate with other faculties that are concerned with products, such as the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST),” she said. (usa)