PPM Close Training Series for Tangsel Municipal Government Staff

PPM Close Training Series for Tangsel Municipal Government Staff

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online - Center for Community Service (PPM) UIN Jakarta closed a series of accrual-based financial training for 30 municipal finance managers of South Tangerang City, Friday (29/12/2017). Activities are expected to be extended in the coming year following optimism over the positive impact on improving the quality of bureaucratic performance.

The closing series was conducted by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA accompanied by Vice Rector for Cooperation Prof. Dr. Murodi MA, Head of PPM Djaka Badranaya ME, Director of Training Center Dr Tantan Hermansyah M.Si. The closure was also attended by leaders of South Tangerang City government administration and trainees

In the closing, the Rector appreciated the South Tangerang City Government entrusting the training of his government apparatus to UIN Jakarta. As a university in the South Tangerang region, he explained, the belief is directly proportional to the obligation of UIN Jakarta to help improve the human resources around it. "So that UIN Jakarta also does not become an ivory tower," he said.

As the only accredited A-university in Banten Province, he said, the trust of Tangsel City Government entrusted the training for its staff to UIN Jakarta is quite appropriate. Moreover, almost 68-70% of his study program is also almost accredited A.

"With that composition, UIN Jakarta has qualified faculty resources. Financial reporting training, there is an accounting lecturer. Entrepreneurship, there is a management program. And so on, "he explained.

In the same place, Tantan explained, training activities duration for almost two weeks. During that time, trainees get 100 hours of subjects plus 30 hours of subjects. 100 hours of subjects containing material delivery and accrual basis financial reporting practices, while 30 more lessons are filled with comparative studies and the deepening of issues around public finance.

"The issues are putting public finance not just financial, but rather put in the context of development of resources to Indonesia, Tangselan, and integrity in the management of public funds," he explained.

Representing the municipal government, Head of Training Division of the Personnel, Education and Training Agency of South Tangserang City, Asep Saripudin S.ST, expressed appreciation for the training cooperation for the municipal finance staff. According to him, training has helped improve the quality of financial reporting performance based on accruals in the municipal government.

"In the future, perhaps not only the financial institutions, but also there are agencies in the municipal government are interested to cooperate. We hope that cooperation (training, ed.) Can continue, "he said.

Syarif Hidayat, one of the participants of the training program claimed to gain a lot of knowledge and experience in managing accrual public finances. He hoped the training was also received by other government officials in Tangsel City. "It is very beneficial in improving the quality of performance," he continued. (usa)