PPIM held Scientific Publication Seminar
Faculty of Psychology, UIN News Online – Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta held a national publication seminar entitled “Guru Agama, Toleransi, dan Isu-isu keagamaan Kontemporer di Indonesiaâ€. The event took place at Prof. Dr. Zakiah Daradjat theater room, Faculty of psychology UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (12/15).
This seminar aims to discuss the finding from the research that is expected to become the new viewpoints related to the perception of Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in both public and private schools regarding with the tolerance issue in Indonesia.
Present in the seminar, PPIM Addivosy Board Jamhari PhD, the Head of PPIM Prof Saiful Umam PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Abdul Mujib, and Senior Researchers from PPIM. Also present as the speakers, Secretary General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) Dr Nurzaman, Director of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Directorate, Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Imam Syafi'I, M.Pd, the Chairman of the board of Nahdlatul Ulama Drs Imam Aziz and the General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Dr Abdul Mu’ti.
In his remarks, Jamhari explained that there are many contrast disagreements between the public schools teacher and madrasahs teacher point of view, especially in terms of the nationality. “The majority of teachers agree with the plurality of religion in Indonesia and the 1945 constitution. But on the other hand, there is a strong aspiration of the sharia law application. That's the conclusions that we found in five provinces covering eleven districts/cities in Indonesia,†he said.
He also added that the results of this study are expected to be studied further at the Ministry of Education level as a state institution which is responsible for both public and private schools and the Ministry of Religious Affairs which is responsible for private and public Madrasahs, both at the Tsanawiyah and Aliyah.
In the same place, Dr Abdul Mu’ti says that more attention needed for the maker of PAI teachers. Because the appropriateness between the PAI teachers and their level of education can affect the way they deliver the learning materials. (ika p/umar)