Postar FITK holds Inaugurasi 2019

Postar FITK holds Inaugurasi 2019

FITK, UIN News Online – Tarbiyah Art Corner (Postar) of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences (FITK) successfully held the Inauguration of POSTAR 2019 on Monday (04/15/2019), at the West Lobby of the FITK parking lot, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

The event, entitled "Bersatu Dalam Seni Ciptakan Sejuta Kreasi" was opened by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Fauzan MA. Fauzan In his speech said that FITK leaders always support all activities carried out by students, especially those held by POSTAR.

“POSTAR is one of the most important student units at FITK. I always try to be present if there is a chance,” said Fauzan.

For us, POSTAR is a student activity unit that has made a tremendous contribution to FITK. Fauzan hopes that POSTAR to continue to create, and innovate.

On the same occasion, Chairperson of POSTAR 2019 Khairul Umam in his remarks explained that this activity was aimed to introduce the creativity of the new POSTAR members who had been appointed several months ago.

He also added that this activity presents several works of music, dance, and theater arts into seven POSTAR elements, namely the Tarbiyah Marawis Club element, Degung Sunda Tarbiyah, Javanese Karawitan, FITK Student Choir, Band, Traditional Dance, and Lingkar Sastra Tarbiyah.

“Hopefully POSTAR can continue to be a media for FITK students as to hone their creativity,” said Umam. (usa)