PLHBH UIN Jakarta Holds FGD on Radicalism Prevention

PLHBH UIN Jakarta Holds FGD on Radicalism Prevention

NICT, UIN News Online – Center for Public Relations and Legal Aid (PLHMBH) UIN Jakarta holds focused group discussion (FGD) titled “Menangkal Radikalisme di Kampus: Antara Pendekatan Hukum dan Edukasi” on Tuesday (08/16/2022) held at the National Information and Communication Technology (NICT) building, Kertamukti, Ciputat.

This FGD presents the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, Assistant to the Special Staff of the Vice President for General Affairs Khamami Zada, and Intelligence and Terrorism Analyst Muhammad Sofyan Tsauri as resource persons.

Rector Amany in her remarks thanked PLHMBH for organizing the FDG. According to Rector Amany, this FGD activity is a form of affirmative action in spreading religious moderation and countering radicalism at UIN Jakarta.

Amany also said that Indonesia ranks among most moderate countries in the world. “Therefore, it is hoped that the Indonesian people can always spread the values of religious moderation,” said Rector Amany

She also added that Religion and state cannot be separated. As citizens, we should have broad insight, be committed to loving the country, and believe that the Pancasila ideology in Indonesia is the best foundation for the state.

“Loving our country is one way to counter radicalism and extremism,” she added.

Inline with Rector, Intelligence and Terrorism Analyst Muhammad Sofyan Tsauri said that the strategy to prevent radicalism could be done by focusing on preventing radicalization, strengthening nationalism, strengthening cultural values, strengthening community early detection capabilities, strengthening family resilience.

Indonesia has Pancasila as the key in countering radicalism, because Pancasila exists to ward off incompatible ideologies. Pancasila doctrine and youth involvement are very important because the younger generation with Pancasila will be the guardians of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The younger generation can protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and avoid exposure to radicalism by adhering to the values of nationalism, being loyal to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,” he said.

Meanwhile, Special Staff of the Vice President for General Affairs Khamami Zada in his presentation said that efforts to prevent radicalism on campus must at least involve three vital elements, namely, doctrine, social structure and power structure.

“In Indonesia, radicalism has penetrated into universities since the New Order era, but has become increasingly massive in the last decade,” he said.

According to Khamami, efforts to reduce radicalism cannot only be borne by the state. There must be continuous efforts from various parties.

There are three levels mentioned by the lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law related to the important role of various parties in efforts to prevent radicalism, namely the responsibility of ulemas, religious people, and academics.

He revealed that ulemas, religious people, and educational institutions have an obligation to carry out continuous enlightenment that religion does not only contain war, but also promotes compassion, tolerance, and the obligation to do good deeds.

Furthermore, Khamami said that the second level is the responsibility of social organizations (ormas). “Ormas must present to maintain and institutionalize social and moral values,” he said

Then at the third level, said Khamami, it is the responsibility of the state to protect its citizens. Not only from the threat of terrorism, but also from arbitrariness, tyranny, and injustice that can trigger the explosion of acts of radicalism. (ns/dima/dap/usa)