PLHBH UIN Jakarta Holds Family Law Counseling for Employees
Pusdiklat PU, UIN News Online – Center for Public Relations and Legal Aid Services (PLHBH) UIN Jakarta holds family legal counseling for at least 100 UIN Jakarta employees, Tuesday-Wednesday (2/21-22), at Pusdiklat PU, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta. This activity is aimed to improve the understanding the Family Law in UIN Jakarta environment.
Present as a speaker at the activity which was officiated by Deputy Rector of Academic Affairs Dr Fadhilah Suralaga MSi, the Head of Badan Penasehatan Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (BP4) who was unable to attend and replaced by his deputy Drs H Tulus SH. MHum, Head of performance planning and budgeting of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) RI Ir Junjunan Mustafa MSc, Judge of Religious court (PA) Bekasi Achmad Cholil Sag SH LLM.
The head of PLHBH UIN Jakarta Afwan Faizin MA when met by UIN News Online team in his office said that the background of this activity is the high activity of family law problems that already happening right now.
“Lately, the divorce rate is continuing to increase, it is particularly worrying at a time of calling us to do counseling, particularly to the Civil Servants (PNS) in UIN Jakarta,†he said.
He also added that family law problems that include many things, such as the inheritance problems, grants, child custody, with this counseling, expected problems related family law in UIN Jakarta employee environment can be minimized.
“We hope this activity can increase the understanding of family law to create sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family,†he hoped. (usa)