PLHBH-APSI will organize mediator training

PLHBH-APSI will organize mediator training

Rectorate, UIN News Online – PLHBH UIN Jakarta, in collaboration with Indonesian Sharia Lawyers Association (APSI) will hold mediator training for lecturers for civil servants (PNS) who work as mediators.

The agreement was concluded at the cooperation agreement between UIN Jakarta and APSI, signed by the head of PLHBH UIN Jakarta Afwan Faizin and the Head of APSI Afdal Zikri, and witnessed by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis.

To UIN NEWS Online, Afwan Faizin said the mediator is a neutral party and has a mediator certificate and is tasked with assisting the negotiation process to seek various dispute resolutions without deciding or forcing a case settlement. These provisions have been contained in Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 Article 1 paragraph (2).

“To get a mediator certificate, they must attend mediator training, one of which is by APSI, an advocate organization that has received accreditation from the Supreme Court as the organizer of mediation training and education,” said Afwan.

According to Afwan, the training activities will be held in two batches. The first batch is from 19-22 September 2019 and the second batch is from 17-20 October 2019 or according to the new agreement. In addition to developing the advocate profession, Afwan also hopes that this activity can provide special experience for the participants.

Meanwhile, Afdal Zikri said, APSI will train lecturers according to certain terms and conditions to become a certified mediator. The training uses a structured curriculum in accordance with DPP APSI Decree Number 02-K / SK / DPP-APSI / 2007 concerning on Curriculum and Certified Mediator Training.

This training will be held for 40 hours. A total of 14 learning materials will be given to the participants, both theory and practice.

“All learning material will be prepared by experienced legal experts, such as from the MA, DPP APSI, and other mediators who already have a training of trainer certificate (TOT),” said Afdal. (usa-ns)