Photo Exhibition of Journalism Student

Photo Exhibition of Journalism Student

Madya Hall, UIN NEWS Online - For the umpteenth time, students of Journalism Study Program Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science (FDIK) UIN Jakarta held photo exhibition. This time, the exhibition was held Madya Hall by presenting 39 exhibitors. All students are sixth semester of class 2015.

There are at least 39 photographs of students exhibited. The theme photos are thematic, all depicting human life with various professions around them.

The exhibition co-ordinator, Faisal Akbar, said the photos on display were the results of student shoots from different angles. The photos are produced using SLR / DSLR cameras, some with pocket cameras.

"This exhibition is routinely held every year in the framework of the final project of journalistic photography," he said.

The purpose of the exhibition, Faisal said, to encourage students to be more creative takes an important moment in every event. In addition, to develop interest and talent in the field of photography, especially journalistic photography.

"There is an expression of one photo a thousand words. So, with the image of the public is expected to receive a variety of information even if only through photos, "he exclaimed.

The photo exhibition by students of Prodi Journalism, according to the Head of Journalism Prodi Kholis Ridho, is considered positive and creative. He also appreciated all the student photo work displayed in the exhibition.

"In the world of journalism, journalistic photography not only accentuate the element of art, but also provide information to audiences about events from a particular point of view," he said.

The exhibition is open to the public and is free of charge. The visitor will be asked to judge which exhibitor has the decent photos. The results of the assessment will then be announced at the end of the exhibition. (usa)