Pharmacy Students of UIN Jakarta represent Indonesia in 2018 HFES

Pharmacy Students of UIN Jakarta represent Indonesia in 2018 HFES

FIKES, UIN News Online – Rinaldi Nur Ibrahim and Farah Fadhilah are UIN Jakarta Pharmacy students who represent Indonesia at the 2018 Japan International Conference on Health, Fitness and Exercise Science (HFES) event which has taken place at Waseda University, Japan. The two students of the Department of Pharmacy, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, participated in poster presentations, presentation of papers, international seminars, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with delegates from various countries around the world.

"This event is upgrading our knowledge in the health sector. We can also share directly with researchers, academics, practitioners and industry professionals from around the world,” Rinaldi told the editorial team.

The son of the Ibrahim and Nurhasanah couple said, that in the activity, he and Farah also presented current health conditions in Indonesia.

"We also presented and discussed directly about the health situation that occurred in Indonesia with 2018 HFES participants," said the Pharmacy student.

For information, International Conference on Health, Fitness and Exercise Science (HFES) 2018 is an international conference held every year in collaboration with renowned universities which aim to provide a platform for researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry professionals from around the world to present results of their research and development activities in the field of Health,

"Although we are considered the youngest participant, Alhamdulillah, the senior researchers received us well and transferred their knowledge to us with pleasure. We hope in the future there will be more young researchers will be able to represent Indonesia in international platforms," said Farah (usa)