Pharmacist Profession Study Program of Fikes UIN Jakarta Accepts New Students
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Pharmacist profession study program of FIKES UIN Jakarta opens registration for new studentss for the 11th batch of 2022/2023 academic year. Online Registration is open from April 1-30 2022 through page. This is the press release from Fikes received by UIN News Online, Thursday (04/07/2022).
The press release states that the registration requirements for the PA Study Program are undergraduate students graduating from the Pharmacy Study Program from all universities in Indonesia. In addition, prospective students must have a TOEFL certificate with a score of 450 with a validity period of the last two years.
For S1 Pharmacy alumni at UIN Jakarta, the minimum GPA requirement is 2.5, while for S1 Pharmacy alumni outside UIN Jakarta, the minimum GPA must be 3.00.
“For prospective participants who are already working, are expected to obtain a letter of permission from their superiors or leaders,” said the release.
If the requirements have been met and have paid a registration fee of IDR 350,000, participants will be selected online on May 11, 2022. During the test, participants are asked to obey all the rules and regulations of the selection committee.
The press release added that the announcement of the selection results will be made in the second week of June 2022. While the class will begin in July 2022.
The PA Study Program was opened in 2016 based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 183/KPT/I/2015 on December 11, 2015. The purpose of opening the PA Study Program is to produce Muslim Pharmacists graduates who have Islamic integrity in carrying out the pharmaceutical profession, able to compete at the national and international level as well as being able to apply the halal aspect in the pharmaceutical sector. (ns/usa)