PGMI UIN Jakarta holds workshops

PGMI UIN Jakarta holds workshops

Jombang, UIN News Online – Study Program (Prodi) of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds Community Service Activities at MI Soebono Mantofani Jombang Tangerang in a form of workshop, Tuesday-Wednesday, (0 7/2-3 /2019).

By raising the theme on “Penguatan Kontens Matematika Untuk Guru Kelas”, the event involves PGMI lecturers, MI Teacher Soebono Mantofani, as resource persons.

Head of PGMI study program Asep Ediana Latip said this activity was a form of PGMI service to the community, especially to the madrasas around UIN Jakarta. “Hopefully this activity can be useful for teachers in teaching mathematics in various ways and the right media,” he said.

After the opening, three speakers from PGMI lecturers, Tri Suryaningsih MPd, Khamidah Siti Nur Atiqoh MPmat, and Fatkhul Arifin MPd were distributed to three classes, A, B, and C. In addition to deepening the concept, each resource person also teaches tricks on how to deliver mathematical material that is easily understood with the media.

In addition to delivering mathematical content to classroom teachers, the participants also took part in the post test and ended with an evaluation of the activities to find out the understanding of the teachers after attending a workshop. (usa/lrf /mf)