PGMI Program Will Hold a Mass Scout Coaching Course

PGMI Program Will Hold a Mass Scout Coaching Course

FITK, UIN NEWS Online - To realize the curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), Teacher Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (PGMI) Education Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) will hold a Basic Supervisor Training Course (KMD) for students . In the implementation of the KMD, Prodi PGMI took Scout Movement Kwartir Branch of South Jakarta as a team of trainers.

So said the Chairman of Prodi PGMI Dr. Halimi at the FITK building, Monday (03/19/2018). The KMD for this year's PGMI students is conducted as a pilot. After that will be evaluated and prepared more mature again.

"KMD for new PGMI students will be held starting this year. If it works well it will be improved, that is cooperation with the National Branch National Education and Training Center (Pusdiklatnas), "he said.

Technically, the implementation of KMD is held in waves or gradually. That's considering the number of PGMI students are quite a lot.

For the first batch will start for the 8th semester students as two classes (70 participants) on 30-31 March 2018 (indoor activities) and 6-8 April 2018 (outdoor activities). Then, will proceed to the next batch.

"It was going to be hold at once. However, due to the limited coach, we separated it, "said Halimi.

According to Halimi, the KMD aims to provide provision for prospective teachers in the field of scouting skills. In addition, students must also have a certificate according to the demand of KKNI curriculum, in the form of certificate of companion diploma (SKPI).

"So, when students graduating college they will get a diploma and certificate as well," he said. (usa-rs)