Pekraf UIN Jakarta Socialize Student Expertise Certificate

Pekraf UIN Jakarta Socialize Student Expertise Certificate

Student Center, UIN News Online – Center for Creative Economy (Pekraf) UIN Jakarta in collaboration with Indonesian Productivity Training Center (PPPI) holds entrepreneurship seminar and student expertise certificate socialization at student center building, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday, (02/20/2018). The event was followed by hundreds UIN Jakarta students who plunge into entrepreneurial activity.

The activities that opened by Head of Internal Audit Unit (SPI) UIN Jakarta Dr Achmad Tjachja Nugraha SP MP present three resource persons consisting of Ir Sanggam Purba MM (Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia), Ir Hj Hasnawiah Palanna (Director of PPPI), and lecturer as well as motivator Dr Ir Hj Hamsinah Baharuddin M.Sim.

Tjahja in his remarks encourage the students to develop certain skills after they finish their study. “Competency is something that must be built from an early age by the students. Because competency can determine someone’s success or failure,” he said.

On the other side, Sanggam added, there are three important elements that must be owned by a person in order to be considered as competent, the ability to perform on certain fields, sufficient knowledge, and a mature attitude. “if these three elements are met, someone can be considered as competent person,” he added.

Additionally, competency must be proven with the ownership of a certificate of expertise. At the student level, he added, the certificate of expertise must be owned by the student other than bachelors diploma.

Met by UIN News Online, Director of Pekraf UIN Jakarta Kurniawan M.Si said, the entrepreneurial seminar was held in order to foster an entrepreneurial spirit of the students. While the socialization of competency certificates is done with the aim that students can cultivate the competence outside their scientific disciplines.

“This is in line with the policy of UIN Jakarta’s Rector Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA, where all graduates of UIN Jakarta must have certificate of expertise beside their bachelor certificate,” he added. (usa)